Documentation for AP_ConceptEntry

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
ConceptEntryID Concept Entry I D Unique identifier for each concept entry record.
ConceptID Concept I D Reference to a specific concept in the EHR system.
NoteX Note X Notes or additional information associated with the concept.
RecptID Recipient I D Identifier for the recipient related to the concept entry.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type I D Type of the recipient (such as a department, individual, or system) associated with the concept entry.
ZUChkSum Z U Chk Sum Checksum used for audit log verification in the context of this entry.
ZUDate Z U Date Date associated with the audit log entry for this concept.
ZULogonHisID Z U Logon History I D Details of the logon history associated with this concept entry for auditing purposes.
ConceptName Concept Name The name of the concept.
ICode I Code A specific code assigned to the concept.