
Data Dictionary

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
ContactEntryID Contact Entry Details Unique identifier for each contact entry record.
AppearOrder Appear Order The order in which the contact appears in lists or reports.
ContactID Contact Details Unique identifier for the contact associated with the entry.
ContactTypeID Contact Type Details Identifier indicating the type of contact, such as personal, business, etc.
DateFrom Date From The start date from which the contact information is valid.
DateTo Date To The end date until which the contact information is valid.
IsActive Is Active Indicates whether the contact information is currently active.
IsActiveDate Is Active Date The date on which the contact information was marked as active.
Notes Notes Additional notes or comments associated with the contact entry.
RecptID Recipient Details Unique identifier for the recipient of contact information.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type Details Identifier indicating the type of recipient, such as patient, provider, etc.
RelationshipID Relationship Details Unique identifier denoting the relationship between the contact entry and other entries or individuals in the system.
VendorID Vendor Details Unique identifier for the vendor associated with the contact, if applicable.
ZUChkSum ZU Checksum Checksum value used for data integrity verification in audit logs.
ZUDate ZU Date Date on which the last update was made in the audit logs.
ZULogonHisID ZULogon History Details Identifier for the logon history record associated with the user who made the last update.
ContactName Contact Name The full name of the contact associated with the entry.
ContactEmail Contact Email The email address of the contact.
ContactTypeName Contact Type Name The descriptive name of the contact type.
Unnamed: 19 Unnamed: 19 Reserved column for future use or data that is not currently categorized.
RelationshipName Relationship Name The descriptive name of the relationship associated with the contact entry.