Documentation for AP_LangEnt

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
LangEntID Lang Entry I D Unique identifier for each language entry record.
AppearOrder Appear Order The order in which the language appears in listings.
IsActive Is Active Indicates whether the language entry is currently active.
IsActiveDate Is Active Date The date from which the language entry is considered active.
IsPreferred Is Preferred Indicates if the language is a preferred choice for communication.
LangID Lang I D Reference to a specific language in the system.
Notes Notes Additional notes or comments related to the language entry.
ReadLangProfID Read Lang Prof I D Proficiency level identifier for reading in the specified language.
RecptID Recipient I D Identifier for the recipient related to the language entry.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type I D Type of recipient (such as patient, provider) related to the language entry.
SpeakLangProfID Speak Lang Prof I D Proficiency level identifier for speaking in the specified language.
WriteLangProfID Write Lang Prof I D Proficiency level identifier for writing in the specified language.
ZUChkSum Z U Chk Sum Checksum used for audit log verification.
ZUDate Z U Date Date associated with the audit log entry for this language.
ZULogonHisID Z U Logon History I D Details of logon history for audit purposes related to this language entry.
LanguageName Language Name The name of the language.
ISOCode I S O Code The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code for the language.