
Data Dictionary of AP_PhoneEntry

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
PatName Patient Name The full name of the patient associated with the phone entry.
PhoneEntryID Phone Entry Identifier A unique identifier for the phone entry record.
AppearOrder Appearance Order The sequence in which the phone entry appears in a list or report.
CountryID Country Identifier The identifier used for the country associated with the phone entry.
DateFrom Date From The starting date for the period the phone entry is applicable.
DateTo Date To The ending date for the period the phone entry is applicable.
LocalSiteIDs Local Site Identifiers The identifiers for the local sites associated with the phone entry.
PhoneEquipmentTypeID Phone Equipment Type Identifier The identifier for the type of phone equipment used in the phone entry.
PhoneTypeID Phone Type Identifier The identifier for the type of phone recorded in the phone entry.
PhoneUseTypeID Phone Use Type Identifier The identifier for the usage type of the phone documented in the phone entry.
RecptID Recipient Identifier The unique identifier for the individual or entity who is the recipient of the phone call.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type Identifier The identifier that denotes the type of recipient involved in the phone entry.
TextNo Text Number A number assigned to the text message within the phone entry record.
TextNoNote Text Number Note Additional notes or comments regarding the text message identified by the Text Number.
ZUChkSum ZU Checksum A checksum value for the record, used for data integrity verification in audit logs.
ZUDate ZU Date The date on which the record's audit-related data was captured.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History Identifier An identifier for tracking the history of user logons for audit purposes.
PhoneTypeName Phone Type Name The name that describes the type of phone used, as recorded in the phone entry.
CountryName Country Name The name of the country associated with the phone entry record.