Documentation for AP_Task

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
TaskID Task I D Unique identifier for each task record.
AssignerSnooze Assigner Snooze Details about the snooze functionality set by the task assigner.
AssignerUserID Assigner User I D Identifier of the user who assigned the task.
ContactMethodID Contact Method I D Identifier for the method of contact associated with the task.
Command Command Specific command or action associated with the task.
DateAlarm Date Alarm Date for an alarm or reminder associated with the task.
DateAssign Date Assign The date on which the task was assigned.
DateBeg Date Beg Start date for the task.
DateDue Date Due Due date for the task.
DateEnd Date End End date or completion date of the task.
IsCreateExamRec Is Create Exam Rec Indicates if the task involves creating an exam record.
IsDateAlarm Is Date Alarm Indicates whether a date alarm is set for the task.
IsSticky Is Sticky Indicates if the task has a 'sticky' note or reminder.
IsUserAllReq Is User All Req Indicates if all users are required for the task.
Message Message Message or description associated with the task.
NoteGenEntryID Note Gen Entry I D Details about notes entered for the task.
OrdInstID Ord Instance I D Details related to a specific order instance connected with the task.
PercentComp Percent Comp Percentage of the task completed.
PriorityID Priority I D Priority level identifier for the task.
PriorityTCLeeway Priority T C Leeway Leeway or flexibility in the priority timeframe for the task.
RecptID Recipient I D Identifier for the recipient of the task.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type I D Type of recipient (such as a department, individual, or system) for the task.
RptID Rpt I D Identifier for any report related to the task.
StatusID Status I D Current status identifier of the task.
StickyClr Sticky Clr Color of the sticky note (if applicable) associated with the task.
StickyCX Sticky C X X-coordinate for the placement of the sticky note.
StickyCY Sticky C Y Y-coordinate for the placement of the sticky note.
StickyFont Sticky Font Font of the sticky note text.
StickyX Sticky X Horizontal position of the sticky note.
StickyY Sticky Y Vertical position of the sticky note.
TaskDefID Task Def I D Identifier for the definition or type of task.
ZUChkSum Z U Chk Sum Checksum used for audit log verification related to the task.
ZUDate Z U Date Date associated with the audit log entry for the task.
ZULogonHisID Z U Logon History I D Details of logon history for audit purposes related to the task.