
Inventory Invoice Activity Data Dictionary

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
InvtInvoiceActID Inventory Invoice Activity Details Unique identifier for the Inventory Invoice Activity.
AdjTypeID Adjustment Type Details The details identifying the type of adjustment made.
AmtAct Amount Actual The actual amount for the activity.
AmtDisc Amount Discount The amount of discount applied.
AmtLate Amount Late Penalty amount for late payment or action.
AmtOther Amount Other Any other additional amount not categorized.
AmtText Amount Text Narrative description of the amount specified.
CheckNo Check Number Number of the check used for payment.
DateActivity Date of Activity Date when the activity was recorded.
DateUndoPreAct Date Undo Previous Activity Date when the previous activity was reversed or undone.
DescX Description Description of the inventory invoice activity.
CAID_Act CAID Activity Chart of Accounts ID related to the actual activity.
CAID_Disc CAID Discount Chart of Accounts ID related to discounts applied.
CAID_Late CAID Late Chart of Accounts ID for late fees or penalties.
CAID_Other CAID Other Chart of Accounts ID for other miscellaneous transactions.
GLID_Act General Ledger ID Activity General Ledger identifier for the actual activity.
GLID_Disc General Ledger ID Discount General Ledger identifier for discounts given.
GLID_Late General Ledger ID Late General Ledger identifier for late fees or penalties.
GLID_Other General Ledger ID Other General Ledger identifier for other miscellaneous transactions.
GLSBATID General Ledger Sub-Batch ID Identifier for a sub-batch within the General Ledger system.
InvtInvoiceID Inventory Invoice Details Details pertaining to the inventory invoice.
IsPrinted Is Printed Indicator of whether the document/invoice has been printed.
ItemPOID Item Purchase Order ID Identifier for the Item's Purchase Order.
MemoX Memo Additional notes or memos related to the invoice activity.
PayMethodID Payment Method Details Identifier and details of the payment method used.
RecptID Recipient Details Details of the recipient of the payment or transaction.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type Details Identifier for the type of recipient (e.g., patient, insurance company).
TotalInfo Total Information Aggregated information involving totals, such as total costs or payments.
ZUChkSum ZU Check Sum Checksum used for audit logs tracking to ensure data integrity.
ZUDate ZU Date Date associated with the audit log entry.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History Details Details on the user logon sessions for audit purposes.