Data Dictionary for AX_NJErrs

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
NJErrsID NJErrs Details A unique identifier for the Non-Jurisdictional Errors details in the EHR system.
AdjTypeID Adj Type Details Details pertaining to the type of adjustment made in patient billing or claim adjustment records.
CAID_CR CAID Credit Identifier for credit account adjustments in financial transactions.
CAID_DR CAID Debit Identifier for debit account adjustments in financial transactions.
ErrCodeNJ Err Code NJ Error code that identifies Non-Jurisdictional Errors within the system.
GrpGLTransID Grp GLTrans Details Identifier with details for a group of General Ledger transactions.
JournalType Journal Type The type or category of financial transaction journal in the accounting ledger.
LedgerID Ledger Details A unique identifier for ledger entries detailing financial transactions.
LocID_Item Loc ID_ Item Identifier for a location-specific item or service recorded in the EHR system.
NJErrsID_Ref NJErrs ID_ Ref Reference to the original Non-Jurisdictional Errors identifier.
ProcCodeID Proc Code Details Details related to the procedure code used to catalog medical services and interventions.
PtID Pt Details Patient details associated with a unique patient identifier in the EHR system.
PtEncID Pt Enc Details Details of the patient encounter, linked to a specific encounter identifier.
TreatProcID Treat Proc Details Details related to treatment procedures associated with a unique identifier.
ZUChkSum ZU Check Sum A checksum value used for audit purposes to ensure data integrity during transfer or storage.
ZUDate ZU Date The date of the operation or event recorded, used in audit logs to track system usage.
ZULogonHisID ZULogon History Details A detailed record of a specific logon event within the audit log history.