Original Column Name |
Expanded Column Name |
Description |
AdminHisID |
Admin History Details |
Unique identifier for each medication administration record in the patient's history. |
AdminNote |
Admin Note |
Notes or comments related to the administration of medication, providing additional details or context. |
BodySiteID |
Body Site Details |
Identifier for the specific body site where the medication was administered, such as arm or thigh. |
DateActual |
Date Actual |
The actual date and time when the medication was administered to the patient. |
DateDispense |
Date Dispense |
The date and time when the medication was dispensed from the pharmacy. |
DateRateChange |
Date Rate Change |
The date and time when there was a change in the rate of medication administration, important for dosage adjustments. |
DateResponse |
Date Response |
The date and time when a response to the medication was recorded, such as effectiveness or adverse reactions. |
DateSched |
Date Scheduled |
The scheduled date and time for the medication to be administered. |
DateIVEstComplete |
Date IV Estimated Complete |
The estimated completion date and time for an intravenous (IV) medication administration. |
DateIVStart |
Date IV Start |
The start date and time for an IV medication administration. |
DateIVStop |
Date IV Stop |
The stop date and time for an IV medication administration. |
DateLastPrinted |
Date Last Printed |
The most recent date and time when the medication administration record was printed. |
DateMixExpiration |
Date Mix Expiration |
The expiration date and time for a mixed medication, such as a solution or compound. |
DispenseBarCode |
Dispense Bar Code |
The barcode associated with the dispensed medication, used for tracking and verification. |
DispenseDosage |
Dispense Dosage |
The dosage of the medication dispensed from the pharmacy. |
DispenseDoseForm |
Dispense Dose Form |
The form of the dispensed medication, such as tablet, liquid, or injection. |
DispenseRouteID |
Dispense Route Details |
Identifier for the route of administration of the dispensed medication, such as oral, intravenous, or topical. |
DispenseTotalQty |
Dispense Total Quantity |
The total quantity of medication dispensed. |
DisposalAmt |
Disposal Amount |
The amount of medication disposed of, if applicable. |
DisposalDispenseAmt |
Disposal Dispense Amount |
The amount of dispensed medication that was disposed of. |
DosageID |
Dosage Details |
Identifier for the specific dosage regimen of the medication. |
Dose |
Dose |
The specific dose of the medication administered to the patient. |
DoseDenom |
Dose Denominator |
The denominator part of the dose calculation, used in determining the precise medication dosage. |
DoseIsFraction |
Dose Is Fraction |
Indicates whether the dose is recorded as a fraction, important for accurate medication calculations. |
DoseNote |
Dose Note |
Additional notes or comments related to the medication dose. |
DoseNumber |
Dose Number |
The number associated with the specific dose given, often used in a series of doses. |
DoseNumer |
Dose Numerator |
The numerator part of the dose calculation, used in determining the precise medication dosage. |
DoseStatusID |
Dose Status Details |
Identifier for the status of the medication dose, such as administered, missed, or cancelled. |
DrugID |
Drug Details |
Unique identifier for the specific drug or medication administered. |
DrugNDCID_Admin |
Drug NDCID_ Admin |
The National Drug Code (NDC) identifier for the drug at the time of administration. |
DrugNDCID_Disp |
Drug NDCID_ Disp |
The NDC identifier for the drug at the time of dispensing. |
DrugRxHisID |
Drug Rx History Details |
Identifier for the patient's prescription history related to the specific drug. |
DurCNEntryID |
Duration Clinical Note Entry Details |
Identifier for the clinical note entry related to the duration of the drug administration. |
DurTmplID |
Duration Template Details |
Identifier for the template used in documenting the duration of the drug administration. |
EmpID |
Employee Details |
Identifier for the employee, typically the healthcare professional, who administered or handled the medication. |
ExtNoteIDNo |
External Note ID Number |
Unique identifier for external notes or comments related to the medication administration. |
FDBDrugNameID |
FDB Drug Name Details |
Identifier for the drug name based on First Databank (FDB) standards, used for standardizing drug information. |
Unique identifier associated with the First Databank (FDB) reference for the medication. |
FiveRights |
Five Rights |
Indicates adherence to the 'five rights' of medication administration: right patient, right drug, right dose, right route, and right time. |
HomeDrugRxHisID |
Home Drug Prescription History Details |
Identifier for the history of the patient's home medication prescriptions. |
IsBolus |
Is Bolus |
Indicates whether the medication was administered as a bolus, which is a single, large dose given all at once. |
IsContIV |
Is Continuous IV |
Indicates whether the medication was administered as a continuous intravenous (IV) infusion. |
IsDispensed |
Is Dispensed |
Indicates whether the medication was dispensed from the pharmacy. |
IsLoadingDose |
Is Loading Dose |
Indicates whether the medication was administered as a loading dose, which is an initial higher dose used to quickly achieve a therapeutic level. |
IsManVerifyDose |
Is Manual Verify Dose |
Indicates whether the medication dose was manually verified by healthcare personnel. |
IsManVerifyDrug |
Is Manual Verify Drug |
Indicates whether the medication itself was manually verified by healthcare personnel. |
IsManVerifyPt |
Is Manual Verify Patient |
Indicates whether the patient's identity was manually verified before administering the medication. |
IsManVerifyRoute |
Is Manual Verify Route |
Indicates whether the route of administration for the medication was manually verified. |
IsManVerifyTime |
Is Manual Verify Time |
Indicates whether the time of medication administration was manually verified. |
IsPtAdmin |
Is Patient Administered |
Indicates whether the medication was self-administered by the patient. |
IsReceived |
Is Received |
Indicates whether the medication was received by the patient or healthcare facility. |
IsTreatment |
Is Treatment |
Indicates whether the medication administration was part of a treatment regimen. |
IsVaccine |
Is Vaccine |
Indicates whether the medication administered was a vaccine. |
IsWaste |
Is Waste |
Indicates whether any portion of the medication was discarded or considered waste. |
IsWeanMode |
Is Wean Mode |
Indicates whether the medication administration involved weaning, which is gradually decreasing the dosage or rate. |
IsWitnessReq |
Is Witness Required |
Indicates whether a witness was required during the medication administration, often used for controlled substances. |
IVDuration |
IV Duration |
The total duration of the intravenous (IV) medication administration. |
IVRate |
IV Rate |
The rate at which the IV medication was administered, typically measured in ml/hr or a similar unit. |
IV Rate Unit of Rate Details |
Identifier for the unit of rate used in IV medication administration, such as ml/hr. |
IVVolMedia |
IV Volume Media |
The total volume of the IV media used, often in milliliters, for the medication administration. |
IV Volume Media Unit of Measure Details |
Identifier for the unit of measure for the IV volume media, such as milliliters (ml). |
LocationID |
Location Details |
Identifier for the location where the medication was administered, such as a specific room or department within a healthcare facility. |
LotNo |
Lot Number |
The batch or lot number of the medication, important for tracking, recalls, and quality control. |
MaxLeeway |
Maximum Leeway |
The maximum allowed deviation or leeway in the timing of medication administration, ensuring adherence to prescribed schedules. |
MedNote |
Medication Note |
Additional notes or instructions related to the medication, providing further clarification or specific directives. |
MinInterval |
Minimum Interval |
The minimum time interval required between doses of the medication, critical for safe dosing and avoiding overdose. |
National Drug Code |
The National Drug Code identifying the specific medication, used for standardization and pharmacy inventory management. |
NonPharmReview |
Non-Pharmaceutical Review |
Indicates whether the medication administration was reviewed by a non-pharmacist healthcare professional. |
NonPharmReviewDate |
Non-Pharmaceutical Review Date |
The date when the non-pharmacist review of the medication administration took place. |
NonPharmUserID |
Non-Pharmaceutical User Details |
Identifier for the non-pharmacist healthcare professional who reviewed the medication administration. |
NotBeforeDate |
Not Before Date |
The earliest date and time when the medication can be administered, ensuring adherence to timing protocols. |
NotGiveReason |
Not Given Reason |
The reason why the medication was not administered, important for patient safety and care documentation. |
NotGivenReasonID |
Not Given Reason Details |
Identifier for the specific reason why the medication was not administered. |
NurseNote |
Nurse Note |
Notes or comments made by the nurse related to the medication administration. |
Order Clinical Note ID |
Identifier for the clinical note associated with the medication order, linking administration to prescription details. |
OrdInstID |
Order Instance Details |
Identifier for the specific instance of the medication order, tracking individual medication requests and fulfillment. |
OrdInstIVRateChgID |
Order Instance IV Rate Change Details |
Identifier for changes in the intravenous (IV) rate as part of a medication order, important for dosage adjustments. |
PastDueNotice |
Past Due Notice |
Indication or alert that the medication administration is past the scheduled time. |
PharmReview |
Pharmacist Review |
Indicates whether the medication administration was reviewed by a pharmacist. |
PharmReviewDate |
Pharmacist Review Date |
The date when the pharmacist's review of the medication administration took place. |
PharmUserID |
Pharmacist User Details |
Identifier for the pharmacist who reviewed the medication administration. |
PostCNEntryID |
Post Clinical Note Entry Details |
Identifier for the clinical note entry made after the medication administration, documenting post-administration observations and effects. |
PostTmplID |
Post Template Details |
Identifier for the template used for post-administration documentation, ensuring consistency in follow-up notes. |
PreCNEntryID |
Pre Clinical Note Entry Details |
Identifier for the clinical note entry made before the medication administration, documenting pre-administration assessments. |
PreTmplID |
Pre Template Details |
Identifier for the template used for pre-administration documentation, aiding in standardizing preparatory notes. |
PRNEffect |
PRN Effect |
Documented effects of medication administered on a PRN (as needed) basis, used for evaluating its effectiveness. |
PRNReason |
PRN Reason |
The reason for administering medication on a PRN basis, such as pain or anxiety. |
PtID |
Patient Details |
Unique identifier for the patient who received the medication. |
Qty |
Quantity |
The quantity of the medication that was administered. |
RateChangeReason |
Rate Change Reason |
The reason for any changes in the rate of medication administration, essential for understanding dosage adjustments. |
RelatedObjID |
Related Object Details |
Identifier for any related object or item associated with the medication administration, such as equipment or supplementary materials. |
RelatedObjTypeID |
Related Object Type Details |
Classification of the related object, providing context to its relevance in medication administration. |
RepeatUntilStop |
Repeat Until Stop |
Indicates whether the medication administration is to be repeated continuously until a stop order is issued. |
Response |
Response |
The patient's response to the medication, critical for assessing effectiveness and any adverse reactions. |
RouteID |
Route Details |
Identifier for the route of medication administration, such as oral, intravenous, or intramuscular. |
ScanDrugBarcode |
Scan Drug Barcode |
The barcode scanned from the medication packaging, used for verification and tracking. |
Scan Patient ID/MRN |
The scanning of the patient's identification or medical record number (MRN) for medication administration verification. |
TreatmentCNEntryID |
Treatment Clinical Note Entry Details |
Identifier for the clinical note entry related to the treatment involving the administered medication. |
Unit of Measure ID |
Identifier for the unit of measure used for the medication, such as milliliters or milligrams. |
UserID_AdminBy |
User ID Administered By |
Identifier of the healthcare professional who administered the medication. |
UserID_MixPreparedBy |
UserID_MixPreparedBy |
User ID Mix Prepared By |
Identifier of the healthcare professional who prepared the medication mix, crucial for tracking responsibility and adherence to protocols. |
WasteWitnessID |
Waste Witness Details |
Identifier of the individual who witnessed the disposal or waste process of the medication, important for compliance and safety. |
WasteWitnessTime |
Waste Witness Time |
The time when the medication waste was witnessed, documenting the exact moment of disposal. |
WasteWitnessTypeID |
Waste Witness Type Details |
Identifier for the type of witness present during the medication waste process, such as a nurse or pharmacist. |
WitnessID |
Witness Details |
Identifier for any witness present during the medication administration, particularly for controlled substances or critical medications. |
WitnessTime |
Witness Time |
The time when the witness observed the medication administration, ensuring proper protocol was followed. |
WitnessTypeID |
Witness Type Details |
Identifier for the type of witness, such as a healthcare professional or legal guardian, observing the medication administration. |
ZUChkSum |
ZU Checksum |
Audit log tracking checksum value, used to ensure data integrity and accuracy of the medication administration records. |
ZUDate |
ZU Date |
Date indicating when the medication administration record was last accessed or modified, used for audit log tracking and data security. |
ZULogonHisID |
ZU Logon History Details |
Identifier for the history of user logon activities related to the medication administration record, crucial for security and audit trail. |