Documentation for EM_AdminHis.csv

Medication Event Data for Admin History

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
AdminHisID Admin History Details Unique identifier for each medication administration record in the patient's history.
AdminNote Admin Note Notes or comments related to the administration of medication, providing additional details or context.
BodySiteID Body Site Details Identifier for the specific body site where the medication was administered, such as arm or thigh.
DateActual Date Actual The actual date and time when the medication was administered to the patient.
DateDispense Date Dispense The date and time when the medication was dispensed from the pharmacy.
DateRateChange Date Rate Change The date and time when there was a change in the rate of medication administration, important for dosage adjustments.
DateResponse Date Response The date and time when a response to the medication was recorded, such as effectiveness or adverse reactions.
DateSched Date Scheduled The scheduled date and time for the medication to be administered.
DateIVEstComplete Date IV Estimated Complete The estimated completion date and time for an intravenous (IV) medication administration.
DateIVStart Date IV Start The start date and time for an IV medication administration.
DateIVStop Date IV Stop The stop date and time for an IV medication administration.
DateLastPrinted Date Last Printed The most recent date and time when the medication administration record was printed.
DateMixExpiration Date Mix Expiration The expiration date and time for a mixed medication, such as a solution or compound.
DispenseBarCode Dispense Bar Code The barcode associated with the dispensed medication, used for tracking and verification.
DispenseDosage Dispense Dosage The dosage of the medication dispensed from the pharmacy.
DispenseDoseForm Dispense Dose Form The form of the dispensed medication, such as tablet, liquid, or injection.
DispenseRouteID Dispense Route Details Identifier for the route of administration of the dispensed medication, such as oral, intravenous, or topical.
DispenseTotalQty Dispense Total Quantity The total quantity of medication dispensed.
DisposalAmt Disposal Amount The amount of medication disposed of, if applicable.
DisposalDispenseAmt Disposal Dispense Amount The amount of dispensed medication that was disposed of.
DosageID Dosage Details Identifier for the specific dosage regimen of the medication.
Dose Dose The specific dose of the medication administered to the patient.
DoseDenom Dose Denominator The denominator part of the dose calculation, used in determining the precise medication dosage.
DoseIsFraction Dose Is Fraction Indicates whether the dose is recorded as a fraction, important for accurate medication calculations.
DoseNote Dose Note Additional notes or comments related to the medication dose.
DoseNumber Dose Number The number associated with the specific dose given, often used in a series of doses.
DoseNumer Dose Numerator The numerator part of the dose calculation, used in determining the precise medication dosage.
DoseStatusID Dose Status Details Identifier for the status of the medication dose, such as administered, missed, or cancelled.
DrugID Drug Details Unique identifier for the specific drug or medication administered.
DrugNDCID_Admin Drug NDCID_ Admin The National Drug Code (NDC) identifier for the drug at the time of administration.
DrugNDCID_Disp Drug NDCID_ Disp The NDC identifier for the drug at the time of dispensing.
DrugRxHisID Drug Rx History Details Identifier for the patient's prescription history related to the specific drug.
DurCNEntryID Duration Clinical Note Entry Details Identifier for the clinical note entry related to the duration of the drug administration.
DurTmplID Duration Template Details Identifier for the template used in documenting the duration of the drug administration.
EmpID Employee Details Identifier for the employee, typically the healthcare professional, who administered or handled the medication.
ExtNoteIDNo External Note ID Number Unique identifier for external notes or comments related to the medication administration.
FDBDrugNameID FDB Drug Name Details Identifier for the drug name based on First Databank (FDB) standards, used for standardizing drug information.
FDBID FDB ID Unique identifier associated with the First Databank (FDB) reference for the medication.
FiveRights Five Rights Indicates adherence to the 'five rights' of medication administration: right patient, right drug, right dose, right route, and right time.
HomeDrugRxHisID Home Drug Prescription History Details Identifier for the history of the patient's home medication prescriptions.
IsBolus Is Bolus Indicates whether the medication was administered as a bolus, which is a single, large dose given all at once.
IsContIV Is Continuous IV Indicates whether the medication was administered as a continuous intravenous (IV) infusion.
IsDispensed Is Dispensed Indicates whether the medication was dispensed from the pharmacy.
IsLoadingDose Is Loading Dose Indicates whether the medication was administered as a loading dose, which is an initial higher dose used to quickly achieve a therapeutic level.
IsManVerifyDose Is Manual Verify Dose Indicates whether the medication dose was manually verified by healthcare personnel.
IsManVerifyDrug Is Manual Verify Drug Indicates whether the medication itself was manually verified by healthcare personnel.
IsManVerifyPt Is Manual Verify Patient Indicates whether the patient's identity was manually verified before administering the medication.
IsManVerifyRoute Is Manual Verify Route Indicates whether the route of administration for the medication was manually verified.
IsManVerifyTime Is Manual Verify Time Indicates whether the time of medication administration was manually verified.
IsPtAdmin Is Patient Administered Indicates whether the medication was self-administered by the patient.
IsReceived Is Received Indicates whether the medication was received by the patient or healthcare facility.
IsTreatment Is Treatment Indicates whether the medication administration was part of a treatment regimen.
IsVaccine Is Vaccine Indicates whether the medication administered was a vaccine.
IsWaste Is Waste Indicates whether any portion of the medication was discarded or considered waste.
IsWeanMode Is Wean Mode Indicates whether the medication administration involved weaning, which is gradually decreasing the dosage or rate.
IsWitnessReq Is Witness Required Indicates whether a witness was required during the medication administration, often used for controlled substances.
IVDuration IV Duration The total duration of the intravenous (IV) medication administration.
IVRate IV Rate The rate at which the IV medication was administered, typically measured in ml/hr or a similar unit.
IVRate_UORID IV Rate Unit of Rate Details Identifier for the unit of rate used in IV medication administration, such as ml/hr.
IVVolMedia IV Volume Media The total volume of the IV media used, often in milliliters, for the medication administration.
IVVolMediaUOMID IV Volume Media Unit of Measure Details Identifier for the unit of measure for the IV volume media, such as milliliters (ml).
LocationID Location Details Identifier for the location where the medication was administered, such as a specific room or department within a healthcare facility.
LotNo Lot Number The batch or lot number of the medication, important for tracking, recalls, and quality control.
MaxLeeway Maximum Leeway The maximum allowed deviation or leeway in the timing of medication administration, ensuring adherence to prescribed schedules.
MedNote Medication Note Additional notes or instructions related to the medication, providing further clarification or specific directives.
MinInterval Minimum Interval The minimum time interval required between doses of the medication, critical for safe dosing and avoiding overdose.
NDC National Drug Code The National Drug Code identifying the specific medication, used for standardization and pharmacy inventory management.
NonPharmReview Non-Pharmaceutical Review Indicates whether the medication administration was reviewed by a non-pharmacist healthcare professional.
NonPharmReviewDate Non-Pharmaceutical Review Date The date when the non-pharmacist review of the medication administration took place.
NonPharmUserID Non-Pharmaceutical User Details Identifier for the non-pharmacist healthcare professional who reviewed the medication administration.
NotBeforeDate Not Before Date The earliest date and time when the medication can be administered, ensuring adherence to timing protocols.
NotGiveReason Not Given Reason The reason why the medication was not administered, important for patient safety and care documentation.
NotGivenReasonID Not Given Reason Details Identifier for the specific reason why the medication was not administered.
NurseNote Nurse Note Notes or comments made by the nurse related to the medication administration.
OrdCNID Order Clinical Note ID Identifier for the clinical note associated with the medication order, linking administration to prescription details.
OrdInstID Order Instance Details Identifier for the specific instance of the medication order, tracking individual medication requests and fulfillment.
OrdInstIVRateChgID Order Instance IV Rate Change Details Identifier for changes in the intravenous (IV) rate as part of a medication order, important for dosage adjustments.
PastDueNotice Past Due Notice Indication or alert that the medication administration is past the scheduled time.
PharmReview Pharmacist Review Indicates whether the medication administration was reviewed by a pharmacist.
PharmReviewDate Pharmacist Review Date The date when the pharmacist's review of the medication administration took place.
PharmUserID Pharmacist User Details Identifier for the pharmacist who reviewed the medication administration.
PostCNEntryID Post Clinical Note Entry Details Identifier for the clinical note entry made after the medication administration, documenting post-administration observations and effects.
PostTmplID Post Template Details Identifier for the template used for post-administration documentation, ensuring consistency in follow-up notes.
PreCNEntryID Pre Clinical Note Entry Details Identifier for the clinical note entry made before the medication administration, documenting pre-administration assessments.
PreTmplID Pre Template Details Identifier for the template used for pre-administration documentation, aiding in standardizing preparatory notes.
PRNEffect PRN Effect Documented effects of medication administered on a PRN (as needed) basis, used for evaluating its effectiveness.
PRNReason PRN Reason The reason for administering medication on a PRN basis, such as pain or anxiety.
PtID Patient Details Unique identifier for the patient who received the medication.
Qty Quantity The quantity of the medication that was administered.
RateChangeReason Rate Change Reason The reason for any changes in the rate of medication administration, essential for understanding dosage adjustments.
RelatedObjID Related Object Details Identifier for any related object or item associated with the medication administration, such as equipment or supplementary materials.
RelatedObjTypeID Related Object Type Details Classification of the related object, providing context to its relevance in medication administration.
RepeatUntilStop Repeat Until Stop Indicates whether the medication administration is to be repeated continuously until a stop order is issued.
Response Response The patient's response to the medication, critical for assessing effectiveness and any adverse reactions.
RouteID Route Details Identifier for the route of medication administration, such as oral, intravenous, or intramuscular.
ScanDrugBarcode Scan Drug Barcode The barcode scanned from the medication packaging, used for verification and tracking.
ScanPtIDMRN Scan Patient ID/MRN The scanning of the patient's identification or medical record number (MRN) for medication administration verification.
TreatmentCNEntryID Treatment Clinical Note Entry Details Identifier for the clinical note entry related to the treatment involving the administered medication.
UOMID Unit of Measure ID Identifier for the unit of measure used for the medication, such as milliliters or milligrams.
UserID_AdminBy User ID Administered By Identifier of the healthcare professional who administered the medication.
UserID_MixPreparedBy User
UserID_MixPreparedBy User ID Mix Prepared By Identifier of the healthcare professional who prepared the medication mix, crucial for tracking responsibility and adherence to protocols.
WasteWitnessID Waste Witness Details Identifier of the individual who witnessed the disposal or waste process of the medication, important for compliance and safety.
WasteWitnessTime Waste Witness Time The time when the medication waste was witnessed, documenting the exact moment of disposal.
WasteWitnessTypeID Waste Witness Type Details Identifier for the type of witness present during the medication waste process, such as a nurse or pharmacist.
WitnessID Witness Details Identifier for any witness present during the medication administration, particularly for controlled substances or critical medications.
WitnessTime Witness Time The time when the witness observed the medication administration, ensuring proper protocol was followed.
WitnessTypeID Witness Type Details Identifier for the type of witness, such as a healthcare professional or legal guardian, observing the medication administration.
ZUChkSum ZU Checksum Audit log tracking checksum value, used to ensure data integrity and accuracy of the medication administration records.
ZUDate ZU Date Date indicating when the medication administration record was last accessed or modified, used for audit log tracking and data security.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History Details Identifier for the history of user logon activities related to the medication administration record, crucial for security and audit trail.