
Data Dictionary for Patient Administration History Form

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
AdminHisPtFormID Admin His Pt Form Details Unique identifier for the Patient Administration History Form record
DateAdmit Date Admit The date the patient was admitted to the health care facility
DatePrescribed Date Prescribed The date on which a drug or treatment was prescribed to the patient
DateStart Date Start The start date of a particular drug regimen or treatment plan
DrugRxHisID Drug Rx His Details Reference to the historical record of the patient's drug prescriptions
Prescriber Prescriber The healthcare professional who prescribed medication or treatment to the patient
PrvAttending Prv Attending The primary attending healthcare provider assigned to the patient
PtAllergy Pt Allergy Information about any known allergies the patient has
PtBed Pt Bed Details of the patient's assigned bed within the healthcare facility
PtChart Pt Chart The patient's medical chart containing their health records and treatment history
PtDOB Pt DOB The patient's date of birth
PtEncID Pt Enc Details Identifier for a specific encounter or visit the patient had with the healthcare system
PtGender Pt Gender The gender identity of the patient
PtID Pt Details The patient's unique identification number within the healthcare system
PtName Pt Name The full name of the patient
PtProblem Pt Problem Description of any problems or complaints presented by the patient
PtSiteID Pt Site Details A unique identifier for the location within the healthcare facility where the patient is receiving care
ZUChkSum ZUChk Sum Checksum for data integrity verification, used for audit log tracking
ZUDate ZUDate The timestamp of the audit log entry, indicating when the record was accessed or modified
ZULogonHisID ZULogon His Details Identifier for the history of user logon events related to this record, for audit purposes