Original Column Name |
Expanded Column Name |
Description |
AdminHisID |
Admin History I D |
Unique identifier for each administration history record. |
AdminNote |
Admin Note |
Notes or comments related to the medication administration. |
BodySiteID |
Body Site I D |
Identifier for the body site where the medication was administered. |
DateActual |
Date Actual |
Actual date of medication administration. |
DateDispense |
Date Dispense |
Date when the medication was dispensed. |
DateRateChange |
Date Rate Change |
Date of any changes in the administration rate of the medication. |
DateResponse |
Date Response |
Date of patient's response to the medication. |
DateSched |
Date Sched |
Scheduled date for medication administration. |
DateIVEstComplete |
Date I V Est Complete |
Estimated completion date for an intravenous (IV) medication. |
DateIVStart |
Date I V Start |
Start date for the IV medication. |
DateLastPrinted |
Date Last Printed |
Date when the last medication-related document was printed. |
DateMixExpiration |
Date Mix Expiration |
Expiration date of the medication mix. |
DispenseBarCode |
Dispense Bar Code |
Barcode for the dispensed medication. |
DispenseDosage |
Dispense Dosage |
Dosage of the dispensed medication. |
DispenseDoseForm |
Dispense Dose Form |
Form of the dispensed medication dose. |
DispenseRouteID |
Dispense Route Definition |
Route through which the medication was dispensed. |
DispenseTotalQty |
Dispense Total Quantity |
Total quantity of medication dispensed. |
DisposalAmt |
Disposal Amount |
Amount of medication disposed of. |
DisposalDispenseAmt |
Disposal Dispense Amount |
Amount of dispensed medication disposed of. |
DosageID |
Dosage Definition |
Identifier for the dosage of the medication. |
Dose |
Dose |
The amount of medication administered. |
DoseDenom |
Dose Denominator |
Denominator part of the medication dose. |
DoseIsFraction |
Dose Is Fraction |
Indicates if the dose is a fraction. |
DoseNote |
Dose Note |
Additional notes regarding the medication dose. |
DoseNumber |
Dose Number |
Sequence number of the dose. |
DoseNumer |
Dose Numerator |
Numerator part of the medication dose. |
DoseStatusID |
Dose Status Definition |
Status of the medication dose. |
DrugID |
Drug Definition |
Identifier for the specific drug administered. |
DrugNDCID_Admin |
Drug NDC Definition (Admin) |
National Drug Code (NDC) for the drug during administration. |
DrugNDCID_Disp |
Drug NDC Definition (Dispense) |
NDC for the drug during dispensing. |
DrugRxHisID |
Drug Rx History Definition |
Reference to the medication prescription history. |
DurCNEntryID |
Dur CN Entry Definition |
Duration of the clinical note entry related to medication administration. |
DurTmplID |
Dur Tmpl Definition |
Template identifier for the duration of medication administration. |
EmpID |
Emp Definition |
Identifier for the employee involved in the medication administration. |
ExtNoteIDNo |
Ext Note ID No |
Identifier for extended notes related to medication administration. |
FDBDrugNameID |
FDB Drug Name Definition |
Identifier for the drug name in the First Databank (FDB). |
FDB Definition |
First Databank (FDB) identifier for the drug. |
FiveRights |
Five Rights |
The 'five rights' of medication administration (right patient, drug, dose, route, and time). |
HomeDrugRxHisID |
Home Drug Rx History Definition |
Reference to the medication prescription history for home medications. |
IsBolus |
Is Bolus |
Indicates if the medication was administered as a bolus. |
IsContIV |
Is Cont IV |
Indicates if the medication is administered as a continuous intravenous infusion. |
IsDispensed |
Is Dispensed |
Indicates if the medication was dispensed. |
IsLoadingDose |
Is Loading Dose |
Indicates if the medication was a loading dose. |
IsManVerifyDose |
Is Man Verify Dose |
Indicates if manual verification was required for the dose. |