
Healthcare Appointment Information Main Data Dictionary

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
ApptInfoMainID Appointment Information Main Identifier Unique identifier for the main appointment information record.
ApptID Appointment Identifier Unique identifier for an individual appointment.
ApptCheckInTime Appointment Check-In Time The time when a patient checked in for their appointment.
ApptDate Appointment Date The scheduled date for the appointment.
ApptNote Appointment Note Additional notes or comments associated with the appointment.
ApptProcCode Appointment Procedure Code The code representing the medical procedure scheduled or performed during the appointment.
ApptSiteAddr Appointment Site Address The physical address of the location where the appointment takes place.
ApptSiteCityStZip Appointment Site City, State, Zip Code The city, state, and ZIP code of the appointment site location.
ApptSiteName Appointment Site Name The name of the facility or location where the appointment is scheduled.
ApptSitePhone Appointment Site Phone Number The phone number for the appointment site location.
ApptStatus Appointment Status Current status of the appointment (e.g., scheduled, cancelled, completed).
ApptTimeFrom Appointment Time From The start time of the appointment.
ApptTimeTo Appointment Time To The end time of the appointment.
ApptTrailNote Appointment Trail Note A note detailing additional information about the appointment, often used for tracking purposes.
PtID Patient Identifier Unique identifier for the patient.
PtAddr Patient Address The home address of the patient.
PtCityStZip Patient City, State, Zip Code The city, state, and ZIP code of the patient's residence.
PtDOB Patient Date of Birth The patient's date of birth.
PtName Patient Name The full name of the patient.
PtPhoneCell Patient Cell Phone Number The patient's cell phone number.
PtPhoneHome Patient Home Phone Number The patient's home phone number.
PtPriPolicy Patient Primary Insurance Policy Details of the patient’s primary insurance policy.
PtSex Patient Sex The sex of the patient (e.g., male, female).
PtPolAuthNo Patient Policy Authorization Number The authorization number associated with the patient's insurance policy.
PtPolDtEfctv Patient Policy Effective Date The date when the patient's insurance policy became effective.
PtPolDtExpire Patient Policy Expiration Date The date when the patient's insurance policy expires.
RefAuthNo Referral Authorization Number The authorization number for a referral to a specialist or for specialized services.
RefDate Referral Date The date the referral was made.
RefDueDt Referral Due Date The due date by which the referred service should be completed.
RefDueBackDt Referral Due Back Date The date by which information or follow-up from the referral is expected back.
RefNote Referral Note Notes pertaining to the referral, such as reasons for the referral or special instructions.
RefReturnedDt Referral Returned Date The date on which the referral was completed and information was returned.
RefStatus Referral Status The current status of the referral (e.g., pending, completed, cancelled).
RefMaxVisits Referral Maximum Visits The maximum number of visits or services allowed under the referral.
RefCmpltdVisits Referral Completed Visits The number of visits or services already completed under the referral.
RefPrvName Referring Provider Name The name of the healthcare provider who made the referral.
RefPrvPhone Referring Provider Phone Number The phone number of the healthcare provider who made the referral.
ZUChkSum ZU Check Sum The check sum value used for audit logs to ensure data integrity.
ZUDate ZU Date The date associated with the audit log record.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History Identifier The identifier for logging the history of user logons for audit purposes.
ApptID.1 Appointment Identifier (Duplicate) A duplicate column for the unique identifier of an individual appointment, used for table joins or relationships.
ApptExID Appointment External Identifier An external identifier used for the appointment, which may correspond to identifiers in other systems.
ApptGroupID Appointment Group Identifier Identifier for a group of appointments, often used in batch processing or group bookings.
ApptStatusID Appointment Status Identifier Unique identifier correlating to the status of the appointment.
ApptStatusSecID Appointment Secondary Status Identifier Identifier for a secondary status of the appointment, providing additional status categorization.
ApptPayment Appointment Payment Payment details for the appointment, such as copay amounts or payment status.
DateAppt Date Appointment The date of the appointment; potentially a duplicate or alternate field for the appointment date.
RecallID Recall Details Identifier Unique identifier for recall details related to the appointment or patient follow-up.
IsBatchAppt Is Batch Appointment Indicator of whether the appointment is part of a batch of appointments (e.g., Yes/No field).
IsCompleted Is Completed Indicator of whether the appointment or a related process has been completed.
NoteX Note Entry Free text field for additional notes or information related to the record.
PDMHash PDM Hash A hashed value for Patient Data Management, used for data security or integrity checks.
PtID.1 Patient Identifier (Duplicate) A duplicate entry for the unique patient identifier, used for linking data in different parts of the EHR system.
ProcCodeIDs Procedure Code Identifiers Identifiers for the procedure codes associated with the appointment or patient treatment.
ProcServicePlaceID Procedure Service Place Identifier Identifier for the location or facility where the procedure or service is performed.
PrvID_Attn Provider Identifier - Attending Identifier for the attending healthcare provider responsible for the patient during the appointment.
PrvID_Ord Provider Identifier - Ordering Identifier for the healthcare provider who ordered the appointment or associated services.
PrvID_Ref Provider Identifier - Referring Identifier for the healthcare provider who referred the patient for the appointment or services.
PrvID_Ren Provider Identifier - Rendering Identifier for the healthcare provider who rendered the services during the appointment.
PrvTime Provider Time The time associated with the provider's actions or the appointment, such as the time spent on a procedure.
PtEncID Patient Encounter Identifier Unique identifier for a specific patient encounter, often used in clinical documentation.
PtPolicyID Patient Policy Identifier Unique identifier for the patient’s insurance policy record.
SiteID Site Identifier Identifier for the physical location or site where healthcare services are provided.
TimeFrom Time From The start time for an appointment or service; may be a duplicate of 'Appointment Time From'.
TimeTo Time To The end time for an appointment or service; may be a duplicate of 'Appointment Time To'.
TmplSequenceID Template Sequence Identifier Identifier used in templating or ordering of appointments and associated processes.
ZUChkSum.1 ZU Check Sum (Duplicate) A duplicate check sum field for data integrity purposes, used in audit logs.
ZUDate.1 ZU Date (Duplicate) A duplicate field for the date used in audit log records.
ZULogonHisID.1 ZU Logon History Identifier (Duplicate) A duplicate identifier for logging user logon history in audit records.