Documentation for HC_Appt.csv

Health Care Data for Appointment - HC_Appt.csv

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
ApptID Appointment Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding appointment.
ApptExID Appointment Exception Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding appointment exception.
ApptGroupID Appointment Group Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding appointment group.
ApptStatusID Appointment Status Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding appointment status.
ApptStatusSecID Appointment Status Security Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding appointment status security.
ApptPayment Appointment Payment Provides information related to appointment payment.
DateAppt Date Appointment Specifies the date associated with the date appointment event or record.
RecallID Recall Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding recall.
IsBatchAppt Is Batch Appointment Provides information related to is batch appointment.
IsCompleted Is Completed Provides information related to is completed.
NoteX Note X Provides information related to note x.
PDMHash PDMHash Provides information related to pdmhash.
PtID Patient Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding patient.
ProcCodeIDs Proc Code IDs Provides information related to proc code ids.
ProcServicePlaceID Proc Service Place Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding proc service place.
PrvID_Attn Provider ID_ Attn Provides information related to provider id_ attn.
PrvID_Ord Provider ID_ Ord Provides information related to provider id_ ord.
PrvID_Ref Provider ID_ Ref Provides information related to provider id_ ref.
PrvID_Ren Provider ID_ Ren Provides information related to provider id_ ren.
PrvTime Provider Time Provides information related to provider time.
PtEncID Patient Enc Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding patient enc.
PtPolicyID Patient Policy Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding patient policy.
SiteID Site Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding site.
TimeFrom Time From Provides information related to time from.
TimeTo Time To Provides information related to time to.
TmplSequenceID Tmpl Sequence Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding tmpl sequence.
ZUChkSum ZUChk Sum Provides information related to zuchk sum.
ZUDate ZUDate Specifies the date associated with the zudate event or record.
ZULogonHisID ZULogon History Details Records the historical data or changes related to the zulogon details.