
Data Dictionary

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
BlngStmtChargeDetailFormID Billing Statement Charge Detail Form ID Unique identifier for the charge detail form associated with a billing statement.
AcctHldrID Account Holder ID Identification number of the holder of the patient account.
AdjtypeID Adjustment Type ID Identifier for the type of adjustment made to the account.
AmtTot Amount Total The total amount charged for the services detailed on the billing statement.
AmtIns Amount Insurance The amount covered by the insurance for the charges detailed on the billing statement.
AmtPt Amount Patient The amount of the total charge that is the responsibility of the patient.
BlngStmtMainID Billing Statement Main ID Unique identifier for the main billing statement to which the charge details are related.
BlngStmtChargeID Billing Statement Charge ID Unique identifier for the specific charge on a billing statement.
DatePost Date Posted The date when the charge was posted to the account.
DescX Description A descriptive narrative of the charge or service provided.
DescNoteGen Description Note Generated An automatically generated note that provides additional context for the charge description.
InsCo Insurance Company The name of the insurance company involved in the billing transaction.
InsPlan Insurance Plan The specific insurance plan under which the patient is covered for the charges.
IsPayment Is Payment Indicator specifying whether the recorded transaction is a payment.
LedgerID Ledger ID The identifier for the financial ledger entry associated with the charge.
NameX Name The name of the patient, provider, or entity associated with the charge or transaction.
NoteGen Note Generated Indicates whether a note related to the charge or adjustment was generated.
NoteGenID Note Generated ID Unique identifier for a generated note associated with the charge or transaction.
PtID Patient ID Unique identifier assigned to the patient whose charge details are being recorded.
PtPolicyID Patient Policy ID The identification number of the patient's insurance policy.
RefNum Reference Number A unique number used to identify the individual transaction or charge within the system.
TreatProcID Treatment Procedure ID Identifier for the specific treatment or procedure associated with the charge.
ZUChkSum ZU Check Sum Checksum value used for audit log tracking to ensure data integrity.
ZUDate ZU Date The date when the record was last updated or audited for accuracy and completeness.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History ID Unique identifier for the user's logon session, used for audit log tracking.