Original Column Name |
Expanded Column Name |
Description |
DrugRxHisID |
Drug Prescription History Details |
Records the historical data or changes related to the drug prescription details. |
AdminSiteID |
Administration Site Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding administration site. |
AllergyReactID |
Allergy Reaction Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding allergy reaction. |
AllowGeneric |
Allow Generic |
Provides information related to allow generic. |
DateExpiration |
Date Expiration |
Specifies the date associated with the date expiration event or record. |
DateFrom |
Date From |
Specifies the date associated with the date from event or record. |
DateLastDose |
Date Last Dose |
Specifies the date associated with the date last dose event or record. |
DateTo |
Date To |
Specifies the date associated with the date to event or record. |
DateWritten |
Date Written |
Specifies the date associated with the date written event or record. |
Days |
Days |
Provides information related to days. |
DescX |
Desc X |
Provides information related to desc x. |
Dose |
Dose |
Provides information related to dose. |
DoseCumulative |
Dose Cumulative |
Provides information related to dose cumulative. |
DoseCumulativeUnit |
Dose Cumulative Unit |
Provides information related to dose cumulative unit. |
DoseDenom |
Dose Denom |
Provides information related to dose denom. |
DoseIsFraction |
Dose Is Fraction |
Provides information related to dose is fraction. |
DoseNumer |
Dose Numer |
Provides information related to dose numer. |
DrugDosageID |
Drug Dosage Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding drug dosage. |
DrugDosageFormID |
Drug Dosage Form Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding drug dosage form. |
DrugID |
Drug Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding drug. |
DrugIntentID |
Drug Intent Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding drug intent. |
Drug NDCID |
Provides information related to drug ndcid. |
DrugRouteID |
Drug Route Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding drug route. |
DrugRxFreqID |
Drug Prescription Freq Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding drug prescription freq. |
DrugRxSideID |
Drug Prescription Side Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding drug prescription side. |
DrugRxSrcType |
Drug Prescription Src Type |
Provides information related to drug prescription src type. |
EMARSaveResume |
EMARSave Resume |
Provides information related to emarsave resume. |
ErxStatus |
Erx Status |
Provides information related to erx status. |
GCNSeqNo |
GCNSeq No |
Provides information related to gcnseq no. |
GiveAmt |
Give Amt |
Provides information related to give amt. |
GiveMult |
Give Mult |
Provides information related to give mult. |
GiveUnit |
Give Unit |
Provides information related to give unit. |
InfoSrcID |
Info Src Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding info src. |
IsFDBOnly |
Is FDBOnly |
Provides information related to is fdbonly. |
IsFormulary |
Is Formulary |
Provides information related to is formulary. |
IsInternal |
Is Internal |
Provides information related to is internal. |
IsNoKnown |
Is No Known |
Provides information related to is no known. |
IsOrder |
Is Order |
Provides information related to is order. |
Is PRN |
Provides information related to is prn. |
IsReconciled |
Is Reconciled |
Provides information related to is reconciled. |
IsTransEMail |
Is Trans EMail |
Provides information related to is trans email. |
IsTransERX |
Is Trans ERX |
Provides information related to is trans erx. |
IsTransFax |
Is Trans Fax |
Provides information related to is trans fax. |
IsTransPrint |
Is Trans Print |
Provides information related to is trans print. |
IsUnavailable |
Is Unavailable |
Provides information related to is unavailable. |
IsUnknownMed |
Is Unknown Med |
Provides information related to is unknown med. |
IVDripRate |
IV Drip Rate |
Provides information related to iv drip rate. |
Provides information related to iv uomid. |
IV UOMPer Hr Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding iv uomper hr. |
ManufacturerID |
Manufacturer Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding manufacturer. |
MedStatusID |
Med Status Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding med status. |
MedTypeID |
Med Type Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding med type. |
Provides information related to ndc. |
NoteX |
Note X |
Provides information related to note x. |
NoteGenEntryID |
Note Gen Entry Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding note gen entry. |
OrdInstID |
Ord Instance Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding ord instance. |
OriginID |
Origin Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding origin. |
PharmacyID |
Pharmacy Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding pharmacy. |
PRNWindow |
PRNWindow |
Provides information related to prnwindow. |
ProblemHisID |
Problem History Details |
Records the historical data or changes related to the problem details. |
PrvID |
Provider Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding provider. |
PtEncID |
Patient Enc Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding patient enc. |
PtID |
Patient Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding patient. |
Qty |
Qty |
Provides information related to qty. |
Reason |
Reason |
Provides information related to reason. |
ReasonDisc |
Reason Disc |
Provides information related to reason disc. |
Refills |
Refills |
Provides information related to refills. |
ReviewDate |
Review Date |
Specifies the date associated with the review event or record. |
ReviewNote |
Review Note |
Provides information related to review note. |
ReviewStatus |
Review Status |
Provides information related to review status. |
SampleExpDt |
Sample Exp Dt |
Provides information related to sample exp dt. |
SampleLotNo |
Sample Lot No |
Provides information related to sample lot no. |
Sig |
Sig |
Provides information related to sig. |
SrcObjID |
Src Obj Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding src obj. |
SrcObjTypeID |
Src Obj Type Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding src obj type. |
Taken |
Taken |
Provides information related to taken. |
Taper |
Taper |
Provides information related to taper. |
TimeAssignID |
Time Assign Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding time assign. |
Provides information related to uomid. |
Web_DrugRxHisExtID |
Web_ Drug Prescription History Ext Details |
Records the historical data or changes related to the web_ drug prescription ext details. |
ZUChkSum |
ZUChk Sum |
Provides information related to zuchk sum. |
ZUDate |
ZUDate |
Specifies the date associated with the zudate event or record. |
ZULogonHisID |
ZULogon History Details |
Records the historical data or changes related to the zulogon details. |
DrugName |
Drug Name |
Provides information related to drug name. |
MedStatusName |
Med Status Name |
Provides information related to med status name. |
MedTypeName |
Med Type Name |
Provides information related to med type name. |
RouteName |
Route Name |
Provides information related to route name. |
FreqName |
Freq Name |
Provides information related to freq name. |