Original Column Name |
Expanded Column Name |
Description |
LabCID |
Lab Case Identification |
Provides information related to lab case identification. |
DateX |
Date X |
Specifies the date associated with the date x event or record. |
DirectMailOrdPrv |
Direct Mail Order Provider |
Provides information related to direct mail order provider. |
DirectMailRsltReady |
Direct Mail Result Ready |
Provides information related to direct mail result ready. |
Disclaimer |
Disclaimer |
Provides information related to disclaimer. |
ERequested |
ERequested |
Provides information related to erequested. |
FaxOrdPrv |
Fax Order Provider |
Provides information related to fax order provider. |
FaxResultsReady |
Fax Results Ready |
Provides information related to fax results ready. |
FaxServicePlace |
Fax Service Place |
Provides information related to fax service place. |
HL7FillerOrdNo |
HL7 Filler Order No |
Provides information related to hl7 filler order no. |
HL7FillerOrdNoHDID |
HL7 Filler Order No HDID |
Provides information related to hl7 filler order no hdid. |
HL7OFacAddrType |
HL7 OFac Addr Type |
Provides information related to hl7 ofac addr type. |
HL7OFacAsgAuthID |
HL7 OFac Asg Auth Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 ofac asg auth. |
HL7OFacCity |
HL7 OFac City |
Provides information related to hl7 ofac city. |
HL7OFacCountryID |
HL7 OFac Country Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 ofac country. |
HL7 OFac FIPSCode Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 ofac fipscode. |
HL7 OFac IDNo |
Provides information related to hl7 ofac idno. |
HL7OFacIDTypeCode |
HL7 OFac IDType Code |
Provides information related to hl7 ofac idtype code. |
HL7OFacName |
HL7 OFac Name |
Provides information related to hl7 ofac name. |
HL7OFacNameTypeCode |
HL7 OFac Name Type Code |
Provides information related to hl7 ofac name type code. |
HL7OFacPhAreaCode |
HL7 OFac Ph Area Code |
Provides information related to hl7 ofac ph area code. |
HL7OFacPhExt |
HL7 OFac Ph Ext |
Provides information related to hl7 ofac ph ext. |
HL7OFacPhLocalNo |
HL7 OFac Ph Local No |
Provides information related to hl7 ofac ph local no. |
HL7OFacPhNote |
HL7 OFac Ph Note |
Provides information related to hl7 ofac ph note. |
HL7OFacStAddr |
HL7 OFac St Addr |
Provides information related to hl7 ofac st addr. |
HL7OFacStatoid |
HL7 OFac Statoid |
Provides information related to hl7 ofac statoid. |
HL7OFacZip |
HL7 OFac Zip |
Provides information related to hl7 ofac zip. |
HL7OPrvAddrType |
HL7 OPrv Addr Type |
Provides information related to hl7 oprv addr type. |
HL7OPrvAsgAuthID |
HL7 OPrv Asg Auth Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 oprv asg auth. |
HL7OPrvAsgFacID |
HL7 OPrv Asg Fac Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 oprv asg fac. |
HL7OPrvCity |
HL7 OPrv City |
Provides information related to hl7 oprv city. |
HL7OPrvCountryID |
HL7 OPrv Country Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 oprv country. |
HL7 OPrv FIPSCode Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 oprv fipscode. |
HL7 OPrv Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 oprv. |
HL7 OPrv IDNo |
Provides information related to hl7 oprv idno. |
HL7OPrvIDTypeCode |
HL7 OPrv IDType Code |
Provides information related to hl7 oprv idtype code. |
HL7OPrvNameFirst |
HL7 OPrv Name First |
Provides information related to hl7 oprv name first. |
HL7OPrvNameLast |
HL7 OPrv Name Last |
Provides information related to hl7 oprv name last. |
HL7OPrvNameMiddle |
HL7 OPrv Name Middle |
Provides information related to hl7 oprv name middle. |
HL7OPrvNamePrefix |
HL7 OPrv Name Prefix |
Provides information related to hl7 oprv name prefix. |
HL7OPrvNameSuffix |
HL7 OPrv Name Suffix |
Provides information related to hl7 oprv name suffix. |
HL7OPrvNameTypeCode |
HL7 OPrv Name Type Code |
Provides information related to hl7 oprv name type code. |
HL7OPrvProfSuffix |
HL7 OPrv Prof Suffix |
Provides information related to hl7 oprv prof suffix. |
HL7OPrvRcptTypeID |
HL7 OPrv Rcpt Type Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 oprv rcpt type. |
HL7OPrvStAddr |
HL7 OPrv St Addr |
Provides information related to hl7 oprv st addr. |
HL7OPrvStatoid |
HL7 OPrv Statoid |
Provides information related to hl7 oprv statoid. |
HL7OPrvZip |
HL7 OPrv Zip |
Provides information related to hl7 oprv zip. |
HL7PlacerGroupNo |
HL7 Placer Group No |
Provides information related to hl7 placer group no. |
HL7PlacerGroupNoHDID |
HL7 Placer Group No HDID |
Provides information related to hl7 placer group no hdid. |
HL7PlacerOrdNo |
HL7 Placer Order No |
Provides information related to hl7 placer order no. |
HL7PlacerOrdNoHDID |
HL7 Placer Order No HDID |
Provides information related to hl7 placer order no hdid. |
HL7PtAddrType |
HL7 Patient Addr Type |
Provides information related to hl7 patient addr type. |
HL7PtAsgAuthID |
HL7 Patient Asg Auth Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 patient asg auth. |
HL7PtAsgFacID |
HL7 Patient Asg Fac Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 patient asg fac. |
HL7PtCity |
HL7 Patient City |
Provides information related to hl7 patient city. |
HL7PtCountry |
HL7 Patient Country |
Provides information related to hl7 patient country. |
HL7 Patient DOB |
Provides information related to hl7 patient dob. |
HL7PtEthCodSys |
HL7 Patient Eth Cod Sys |
Provides information related to hl7 patient eth cod sys. |
HL7PtEthIDNo |
HL7 Patient Eth IDNo |
Provides information related to hl7 patient eth idno. |
HL7PtEthText |
HL7 Patient Eth Text |
Provides information related to hl7 patient eth text. |
HL7PtHomePhAreaCode |
HL7 Patient Home Ph Area Code |
Provides information related to hl7 patient home ph area code. |
HL7PtHomePhLocalNo |
HL7 Patient Home Ph Local No |
Provides information related to hl7 patient home ph local no. |
HL7PtHomePhUseCode |
HL7 Patient Home Ph Use Code |
Provides information related to hl7 patient home ph use code. |
HL7PtNameFirst |
HL7 Patient Name First |
Provides information related to hl7 patient name first. |
HL7PtNameLast |
HL7 Patient Name Last |
Provides information related to hl7 patient name last. |
HL7PtNameMiddle |
HL7 Patient Name Middle |
Provides information related to hl7 patient name middle. |
HL7PtRaceCodSys |
HL7 Patient Race Cod Sys |
Provides information related to hl7 patient race cod sys. |
HL7PtRaceIDNo |
HL7 Patient Race IDNo |
Provides information related to hl7 patient race idno. |
HL7PtRaceText |
HL7 Patient Race Text |
Provides information related to hl7 patient race text. |
HL7PtSex |
HL7 Patient Sex |
Provides information related to hl7 patient sex. |
HL7PtSpeciesCWE |
HL7 Patient Species CWE |
Provides information related to hl7 patient species cwe. |
HL7PtStAddr |
HL7 Patient St Addr |
Provides information related to hl7 patient st addr. |
HL7PtStatoid |
HL7 Patient Statoid |
Provides information related to hl7 patient statoid. |
HL7PtZip |
HL7 Patient Zip |
Provides information related to hl7 patient zip. |
LabOrderNo |
Lab Order No |
Provides information related to lab order no. |
LabRules |
Lab Rules |
Provides information related to lab rules. |
LastUpdateDt |
Last Update Dt |
Provides information related to last update dt. |
LastUpdateFacID |
Last Update Fac Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding last update fac. |
NoteX |
Note X |
Provides information related to note x. |
OrdInstID |
Order Instance Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding order instance. |
PrintResultsReady |
Print Results Ready |
Provides information related to print results ready. |
PriorityID |
Priority Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding priority. |
PriorityTCLeeway |
Priority TCLeeway |
Provides information related to priority tcleeway. |
PrvID_Ord |
Provider ID_ Order |
Provides information related to provider id_ order. |
PtEncID |
Patient Enc Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding patient enc. |
PtEthnicityCWE |
Patient Ethnicity CWE |
Provides information related to patient ethnicity cwe. |
PtID |
Patient Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding patient. |
Patient IDs CX |
Provides information related to patient ids cx. |
PtNameXPN |
Patient Name XPN |
Provides information related to patient name xpn. |
PtRaceCE |
Patient Race CE |
Provides information related to patient race ce. |
RptSysID |
Rpt Sys Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding rpt sys. |
SchedTime |
Sched Time |
Provides information related to sched time. |
SendCollectedReady |
Send Collected Ready |
Provides information related to send collected ready. |
SendOrderedReady |
Send Ordered Ready |
Provides information related to send ordered ready. |
SendResultsReady |
Send Results Ready |
Provides information related to send results ready. |
ServicePlaceID_Ord |
Service Place ID_ Order |
Provides information related to service place id_ order. |
ServicePlaceID_Perf |
Service Place ID_ Perf |
Provides information related to service place id_ perf. |
VD_Fee |
VD_ Fee |
Provides information related to vd_ fee. |
VD_Shade |
VD_ Shade |
Provides information related to vd_ shade. |
VD_Tooth |
VD_ Tooth |
Provides information related to vd_ tooth. |
VendorAcctNo |
Vendor Acct No |
Provides information related to vendor acct no. |
VendorID |
Vendor Details |
Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding vendor. |
XMLCaseNotesNTE |
XMLCase Notes NTE |
Provides information related to xmlcase notes nte. |
XMLEncNotesNTE |
XMLEnc Notes NTE |
Provides information related to xmlenc notes nte. |
XMLOFacAddrs_XAD |
XMLOFac Addrs_ XAD |
Provides information related to xmlofac addrs_ xad. |
XMLOFacNames_XON |
XMLOFac Names_ XON |
Provides information related to xmlofac names_ xon. |
XMLOFacPhones_XTN |
XMLOFac Phones_ XTN |
Provides information related to xmlofac phones_ xtn. |
XMLOrdPrvAddr_XAD |
XMLOrd Provider Addr_ XAD |
Provides information related to xmlord provider addr_ xad. |
XMLOrdPrvNames_XCN |
XMLOrd Provider Names_ XCN |
Provides information related to xmlord provider names_ xcn. |
XMLPtAddrs_XAD |
XMLPt Addrs_ XAD |
Provides information related to xmlpt addrs_ xad. |
XMLPtMothersMaiden_XPN |
XMLPt Mothers Maiden_ XPN |
Provides information related to xmlpt mothers maiden_ xpn. |
XMLPtNextOfKin_NK1 |
XMLPt Next Of Kin_ NK1 |
Provides information related to xmlpt next of kin_ nk1. |
XMLPt Notes NTE |
Provides information related to xmlpt notes nte. |
XMLPtPhonesHome_XTN |
XMLPt Phones Home_ XTN |
Provides information related to xmlpt phones home_ xtn. |
XMLPtPhonesWork_XTN |
XMLPt Phones Work_ XTN |
Provides information related to xmlpt phones work_ xtn. |
ZUChkSum |
ZUChk Sum |
Provides information related to zuchk sum. |
ZUDate |
ZUDate |
Specifies the date associated with the zudate event or record. |
ZULogonHisID |
ZULogon History Details |
Records the historical data or changes related to the zulogon details. |