Documentation for HC_LabC.csv

Health Care Data for Lab Case - HC_LabC.csv

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
LabCID Lab Case Identification Provides information related to lab case identification.
DateX Date X Specifies the date associated with the date x event or record.
DirectMailOrdPrv Direct Mail Order Provider Provides information related to direct mail order provider.
DirectMailRsltReady Direct Mail Result Ready Provides information related to direct mail result ready.
Disclaimer Disclaimer Provides information related to disclaimer.
ERequested ERequested Provides information related to erequested.
FaxOrdPrv Fax Order Provider Provides information related to fax order provider.
FaxResultsReady Fax Results Ready Provides information related to fax results ready.
FaxServicePlace Fax Service Place Provides information related to fax service place.
HL7FillerOrdNo HL7 Filler Order No Provides information related to hl7 filler order no.
HL7FillerOrdNoHDID HL7 Filler Order No HDID Provides information related to hl7 filler order no hdid.
HL7OFacAddrType HL7 OFac Addr Type Provides information related to hl7 ofac addr type.
HL7OFacAsgAuthID HL7 OFac Asg Auth Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 ofac asg auth.
HL7OFacCity HL7 OFac City Provides information related to hl7 ofac city.
HL7OFacCountryID HL7 OFac Country Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 ofac country.
HL7OFacFIPSCodeID HL7 OFac FIPSCode Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 ofac fipscode.
HL7OFacIDNo HL7 OFac IDNo Provides information related to hl7 ofac idno.
HL7OFacIDTypeCode HL7 OFac IDType Code Provides information related to hl7 ofac idtype code.
HL7OFacName HL7 OFac Name Provides information related to hl7 ofac name.
HL7OFacNameTypeCode HL7 OFac Name Type Code Provides information related to hl7 ofac name type code.
HL7OFacPhAreaCode HL7 OFac Ph Area Code Provides information related to hl7 ofac ph area code.
HL7OFacPhExt HL7 OFac Ph Ext Provides information related to hl7 ofac ph ext.
HL7OFacPhLocalNo HL7 OFac Ph Local No Provides information related to hl7 ofac ph local no.
HL7OFacPhNote HL7 OFac Ph Note Provides information related to hl7 ofac ph note.
HL7OFacStAddr HL7 OFac St Addr Provides information related to hl7 ofac st addr.
HL7OFacStatoid HL7 OFac Statoid Provides information related to hl7 ofac statoid.
HL7OFacZip HL7 OFac Zip Provides information related to hl7 ofac zip.
HL7OPrvAddrType HL7 OPrv Addr Type Provides information related to hl7 oprv addr type.
HL7OPrvAsgAuthID HL7 OPrv Asg Auth Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 oprv asg auth.
HL7OPrvAsgFacID HL7 OPrv Asg Fac Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 oprv asg fac.
HL7OPrvCity HL7 OPrv City Provides information related to hl7 oprv city.
HL7OPrvCountryID HL7 OPrv Country Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 oprv country.
HL7OPrvFIPSCodeID HL7 OPrv FIPSCode Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 oprv fipscode.
HL7OPrvID HL7 OPrv Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 oprv.
HL7OPrvIDNo HL7 OPrv IDNo Provides information related to hl7 oprv idno.
HL7OPrvIDTypeCode HL7 OPrv IDType Code Provides information related to hl7 oprv idtype code.
HL7OPrvNameFirst HL7 OPrv Name First Provides information related to hl7 oprv name first.
HL7OPrvNameLast HL7 OPrv Name Last Provides information related to hl7 oprv name last.
HL7OPrvNameMiddle HL7 OPrv Name Middle Provides information related to hl7 oprv name middle.
HL7OPrvNamePrefix HL7 OPrv Name Prefix Provides information related to hl7 oprv name prefix.
HL7OPrvNameSuffix HL7 OPrv Name Suffix Provides information related to hl7 oprv name suffix.
HL7OPrvNameTypeCode HL7 OPrv Name Type Code Provides information related to hl7 oprv name type code.
HL7OPrvProfSuffix HL7 OPrv Prof Suffix Provides information related to hl7 oprv prof suffix.
HL7OPrvRcptTypeID HL7 OPrv Rcpt Type Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 oprv rcpt type.
HL7OPrvStAddr HL7 OPrv St Addr Provides information related to hl7 oprv st addr.
HL7OPrvStatoid HL7 OPrv Statoid Provides information related to hl7 oprv statoid.
HL7OPrvZip HL7 OPrv Zip Provides information related to hl7 oprv zip.
HL7PlacerGroupNo HL7 Placer Group No Provides information related to hl7 placer group no.
HL7PlacerGroupNoHDID HL7 Placer Group No HDID Provides information related to hl7 placer group no hdid.
HL7PlacerOrdNo HL7 Placer Order No Provides information related to hl7 placer order no.
HL7PlacerOrdNoHDID HL7 Placer Order No HDID Provides information related to hl7 placer order no hdid.
HL7PtAddrType HL7 Patient Addr Type Provides information related to hl7 patient addr type.
HL7PtAsgAuthID HL7 Patient Asg Auth Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 patient asg auth.
HL7PtAsgFacID HL7 Patient Asg Fac Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding hl7 patient asg fac.
HL7PtCity HL7 Patient City Provides information related to hl7 patient city.
HL7PtCountry HL7 Patient Country Provides information related to hl7 patient country.
HL7PtDOB HL7 Patient DOB Provides information related to hl7 patient dob.
HL7PtEthCodSys HL7 Patient Eth Cod Sys Provides information related to hl7 patient eth cod sys.
HL7PtEthIDNo HL7 Patient Eth IDNo Provides information related to hl7 patient eth idno.
HL7PtEthText HL7 Patient Eth Text Provides information related to hl7 patient eth text.
HL7PtHomePhAreaCode HL7 Patient Home Ph Area Code Provides information related to hl7 patient home ph area code.
HL7PtHomePhLocalNo HL7 Patient Home Ph Local No Provides information related to hl7 patient home ph local no.
HL7PtHomePhUseCode HL7 Patient Home Ph Use Code Provides information related to hl7 patient home ph use code.
HL7PtNameFirst HL7 Patient Name First Provides information related to hl7 patient name first.
HL7PtNameLast HL7 Patient Name Last Provides information related to hl7 patient name last.
HL7PtNameMiddle HL7 Patient Name Middle Provides information related to hl7 patient name middle.
HL7PtRaceCodSys HL7 Patient Race Cod Sys Provides information related to hl7 patient race cod sys.
HL7PtRaceIDNo HL7 Patient Race IDNo Provides information related to hl7 patient race idno.
HL7PtRaceText HL7 Patient Race Text Provides information related to hl7 patient race text.
HL7PtSex HL7 Patient Sex Provides information related to hl7 patient sex.
HL7PtSpeciesCWE HL7 Patient Species CWE Provides information related to hl7 patient species cwe.
HL7PtStAddr HL7 Patient St Addr Provides information related to hl7 patient st addr.
HL7PtStatoid HL7 Patient Statoid Provides information related to hl7 patient statoid.
HL7PtZip HL7 Patient Zip Provides information related to hl7 patient zip.
LabOrderNo Lab Order No Provides information related to lab order no.
LabRules Lab Rules Provides information related to lab rules.
LastUpdateDt Last Update Dt Provides information related to last update dt.
LastUpdateFacID Last Update Fac Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding last update fac.
NoteX Note X Provides information related to note x.
OrdInstID Order Instance Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding order instance.
PrintResultsReady Print Results Ready Provides information related to print results ready.
PriorityID Priority Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding priority.
PriorityTCLeeway Priority TCLeeway Provides information related to priority tcleeway.
PrvID_Ord Provider ID_ Order Provides information related to provider id_ order.
PtEncID Patient Enc Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding patient enc.
PtEthnicityCWE Patient Ethnicity CWE Provides information related to patient ethnicity cwe.
PtID Patient Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding patient.
PtIDsCX Patient IDs CX Provides information related to patient ids cx.
PtNameXPN Patient Name XPN Provides information related to patient name xpn.
PtRaceCE Patient Race CE Provides information related to patient race ce.
RptSysID Rpt Sys Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding rpt sys.
SchedTime Sched Time Provides information related to sched time.
SendCollectedReady Send Collected Ready Provides information related to send collected ready.
SendOrderedReady Send Ordered Ready Provides information related to send ordered ready.
SendResultsReady Send Results Ready Provides information related to send results ready.
ServicePlaceID_Ord Service Place ID_ Order Provides information related to service place id_ order.
ServicePlaceID_Perf Service Place ID_ Perf Provides information related to service place id_ perf.
VD_Fee VD_ Fee Provides information related to vd_ fee.
VD_Shade VD_ Shade Provides information related to vd_ shade.
VD_Tooth VD_ Tooth Provides information related to vd_ tooth.
VendorAcctNo Vendor Acct No Provides information related to vendor acct no.
VendorID Vendor Details Contains detailed information or identifiers for the corresponding vendor.
XMLCaseNotesNTE XMLCase Notes NTE Provides information related to xmlcase notes nte.
XMLEncNotesNTE XMLEnc Notes NTE Provides information related to xmlenc notes nte.
XMLOFacAddrs_XAD XMLOFac Addrs_ XAD Provides information related to xmlofac addrs_ xad.
XMLOFacNames_XON XMLOFac Names_ XON Provides information related to xmlofac names_ xon.
XMLOFacPhones_XTN XMLOFac Phones_ XTN Provides information related to xmlofac phones_ xtn.
XMLOrdPrvAddr_XAD XMLOrd Provider Addr_ XAD Provides information related to xmlord provider addr_ xad.
XMLOrdPrvNames_XCN XMLOrd Provider Names_ XCN Provides information related to xmlord provider names_ xcn.
XMLPtAddrs_XAD XMLPt Addrs_ XAD Provides information related to xmlpt addrs_ xad.
XMLPtMothersMaiden_XPN XMLPt Mothers Maiden_ XPN Provides information related to xmlpt mothers maiden_ xpn.
XMLPtNextOfKin_NK1 XMLPt Next Of Kin_ NK1 Provides information related to xmlpt next of kin_ nk1.
XMLPtNotesNTE XMLPt Notes NTE Provides information related to xmlpt notes nte.
XMLPtPhonesHome_XTN XMLPt Phones Home_ XTN Provides information related to xmlpt phones home_ xtn.
XMLPtPhonesWork_XTN XMLPt Phones Work_ XTN Provides information related to xmlpt phones work_ xtn.
ZUChkSum ZUChk Sum Provides information related to zuchk sum.
ZUDate ZUDate Specifies the date associated with the zudate event or record.
ZULogonHisID ZULogon History Details Records the historical data or changes related to the zulogon details.