Documentation for HC_LabSpec.csv

Health Care Data for Laboratory Specimen

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
LabSpecID Laboratory Specimen Details Unique identifier for each laboratory specimen record, crucial for tracking and managing laboratory tests and results.
AmountCollected Amount Collected The quantity of the specimen collected for analysis, measured in the specified units.
AmountCollectedUnitID Amount Collected Unit Details Identifier for the units in which the specimen amount is measured, such as milliliters or grams.
BilledCollMeth Billed Collection Method The method used for collecting the specimen that is billed to the patient or insurance.
DateCollectedBeg Date Collected Beginning The start date and time when the specimen collection began.
DateCollectedEnd Date Collected End The end date and time when the specimen collection was completed.
DateCreated Date Created The date on which the laboratory specimen record was created in the system.
DateExpired Date Expired The expiration date of the specimen, after which it may no longer be viable for testing.
DateReceived Date Received The date and time when the laboratory received the specimen for analysis.
DateSched Date Scheduled The scheduled date for the specimen collection or testing.
Dilution Dilution Details about any dilution performed on the specimen, if applicable.
FillerHierDID Filler Hierarchy DID A unique identifier within the filler organization's system, representing a hierarchical data structure.
FillerIDNo Filler ID Number A unique number assigned by the filler organization or laboratory to the specimen.
HL7RjctRsnAltCodSys HL7 Rejection Reason Alternate Coding System An alternative coding system used in HL7 messages to specify rejection reasons for a specimen.
HL7RjctRsnAltCodSysVer HL7 Rejection Reason Alternate Coding System Version The version of the alternative coding system used to specify rejection reasons in HL7 messages.
HL7RjctRsnAltIDNo HL7 Rejection Reason Alternate ID Number An alternate identifier number for rejection reasons used in HL7 messaging systems.
HL7RjctRsnAltText HL7 Rejection Reason Alternate Text Descriptive text providing additional information on the reason for specimen rejection in HL7 messages.
HL7RjctRsnCodSys HL7 Rejection Reason Coding System The coding system used in HL7 messages to specify reasons for specimen rejection.
HL7RjctRsnCodSysVer HL7 Rejection Reason Coding System Version The version of the coding system used in HL7 messages for specifying specimen rejection reasons.
HL7RjctRsnIDNo HL7 Rejection Reason ID Number A unique identifier number for the reason a specimen was rejected, as used in HL7 messaging systems.
HL7RjctRsnText HL7 Rejection Reason Text Textual explanation of the reason for specimen rejection in HL7 messaging.
LabContainerID Laboratory Container Details Identifier for the type of container used for the specimen, such as a vial or tube.
LabelPrinted Label Printed Indicates whether a label has been printed for the specimen container.
LabSpecAdditiveIDs Laboratory Specimen Additive IDs Identifiers for any additives used in the specimen, such as preservatives or stabilizers.
LabSpecCollMethID Laboratory Specimen Collection Method Details Identifier for the method used to collect the specimen, e.g., venipuncture, swab.
LabSpecCollMethXML Laboratory Specimen Collection Method XML XML data describing the method used for specimen collection.
LabSpecHandlingIDs Laboratory Specimen Handling IDs Identifiers for specific handling requirements of the specimen, such as temperature control or gentle agitation.
LabSpecRoleID Laboratory Specimen Role Details Identifier for the role of the specimen within the testing process, such as primary or control.
LabSpecRRID Laboratory Specimen RRID A unique identifier for the specimen within a specific reference range or testing protocol.
LabSpecSrcID Laboratory Specimen Source Details Identifier for the source of the specimen, such as a specific body site or patient.
LabSpecSrcSiteModIDs Laboratory Specimen Source Site Modifier IDs Identifiers for any modifiers to the specimen source site, providing additional specificity about the collection location.
LabSpecStID Laboratory Specimen Storage Details Identifier for the storage conditions or location of the specimen within the laboratory.
LabSpecTypeID Laboratory Specimen Type Details Identifier for the type of specimen collected, such as blood, urine, or tissue.
LabSpecTypeIDALT Laboratory Specimen Type ID Alternative Alternative identifier for the specimen type, potentially used in different systems or for different classification purposes.
LabSpecTypeModIDs Laboratory Specimen Type Modifier IDs Identifiers for any modifiers to the specimen type, providing additional detail about the nature or characteristics of the specimen.
NoteX Note X General note or comment field related to the specimen, for additional observations or information.
ObsIDs_XML Observation IDs XML XML format data containing identifiers for observations associated with the specimen.
PlacerHierDID Placer Hierarchy DID A unique identifier within the placer organization's system, representing a hierarchical data structure.
PlacerIDNo Placer ID Number A unique number assigned by the placer organization or laboratory to the specimen.
PtID Patient Details Unique identifier for the patient from whom the laboratory specimen was collected.
QCProductID Quality Control Product Details Identifier for the quality control product used in association with the specimen, ensuring testing accuracy and reliability.
RejectReasonCodingSys Rejection Reason Coding System The coding system used to specify reasons for rejecting a specimen.
RejectReasonCWEar Reject Reason CWEar Coded with exceptions (CWE) data for additional rejection reasons that might not be in the standard coding system.
RejectReasonIDNo Rejection Reason ID Number A unique identifier number for the reason a specimen was rejected.
RejectReasonIDs Rejection Reason IDs Identifiers for specific reasons why a specimen was rejected.
RejectReasonText Rejection Reason Text Textual description of the reason why the specimen was rejected.
SpecCollEmpID Specimen Collector Employee Details Identifier for the employee who collected the specimen, important for traceability and quality control.
SpecCollRecptID Specimen Collection Recipient Details Identifier for the recipient of the specimen post-collection, such as a laboratory or testing center.
SpecCollRecptTypeID Specimen Collection Recipient Type Details Classification of the recipient of the specimen, such as a lab technician or nurse.
SpecCondCodingSys Specimen Condition Coding System The coding system used to describe the condition of the specimen when received.
SpecCondIDNo Specimen Condition ID Number A unique identifier for the condition of the specimen upon receipt.
SpecCondText Specimen Condition Text Textual description of the condition of the specimen when it was received.
SpecIDNo Specimen ID Number A unique number assigned to the specimen for identification and tracking.
SpecRcvdUserID Specimen Received User Details Identifier for the user who received the specimen, crucial for chain of custody and quality control.
SpecTypeCWE Specimen Type CWE Coded with exceptions (CWE) data for the specimen type, allowing for non-standard type entries.
StatusNote Status Note Notes or comments regarding the current status of the specimen.
StorageTempID Storage Temperature Details Identifier for the temperature at which the specimen is stored, important for maintaining its viability.
XMLAdditivesCWEar XML Additives CWEar XML formatted data for coded with exceptions additives used in the specimen.
XMLAmountCollectedCWE XML Amount Collected CWE XML formatted data for the coded with exceptions amount collected of the specimen.
XMLSrcSiteCWE XML Source Site CWE XML formatted data for the coded with exceptions source site of the specimen collection.
XMLSrcSiteModsCWEar XML Source Site Modifiers CWEar XML formatted data for coded with exceptions modifiers for the source site of specimen collection.
XMLTypeModCWEar XML Type Modifier CWEar XML formatted data for coded with exceptions type modifiers of the specimen.
ZUChkSum ZU Checksum Audit log tracking checksum value, ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the laboratory specimen data.
ZUDate ZU Date Date indicating when the laboratory specimen record was last accessed or modified, used for audit log tracking.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History Details Identifier for the history of user logon activities related to the laboratory specimen record, for security and audit purposes.
SpecTypeName Specimen Type Name The name describing the type of the specimen collected, such as blood, urine, etc.
LabContainerName Laboratory Container Name Name of the container used for the specimen, providing information about the type of container (vial, tube, etc).
SpecRoleName Specimen Role Name Name indicating the role of the specimen in the testing process, such as primary sample or control.
SpecTempName Specimen Temperature Name Name describing the temperature condition under which the specimen is stored or should be stored.
SpecCollMethName Specimen Collection Method Name Name describing the method used for collecting the specimen, such as venipuncture, swab, etc.