Documentation for HC_Pt.csv

Health Care Data for Patient

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
PtID Patient Details Unique identifier for the patient, essential for record tracking and patient identification.
AcctPtID Account Patient Details Identifier for the patient's account, relevant for billing and account management.
BalanceIns Balance Insurance The current balance of the patient's account pertaining to insurance payments.
BalancePt Balance Patient The current balance of the patient's account pertaining to direct patient payments.
BarrierID Barrier Details Identifier for any barriers the patient might face, such as linguistic or physical barriers, impacting healthcare delivery.
BillingTypeID Billing Type Details Identifier for the type of billing applicable to the patient, such as self-pay, insurance, etc.
BirthOrder Birth Order The patient's birth order, particularly relevant in the context of multiple births.
CauseOfDeath Cause of Death The recorded cause of death, if applicable, important for mortality data and health statistics.
CLIsAssignBenefits CLIs Assign Benefits Indicates whether the patient has assigned insurance benefits to the healthcare provider.
CLIsProvSignOnFile CLIs Provider Sign On File Indicates whether the provider's signature is on file for insurance purposes.
CLProvAssignID CL Provider Assign Details Identifier for the assignment of benefits to the provider in the claims system.
CLPtSignSourceCodeID CL Patient Sign Source Code Details Identifier for the source code of the patient's signature, as used in the claims system.
CLReleaseofInfoID CL Release of Information Details Identifier for the patient's consent for the release of medical information, essential for compliance with privacy laws.
DateConsent Date Consent The date on which the patient provided consent for medical treatment or information sharing.
DateConsentExpire Date Consent Expire The expiration date of the patient's consent, after which renewed consent is required.
DateDeath Date Death The recorded date of the patient's death, important for legal and health records.
DateLastAdvMDCheck Date Last Advanced MD Check The date of the last advanced medical check-up or significant medical examination.
DateLastBrokenAppt Date Last Broken Appointment The most recent date on which the patient failed to attend a scheduled appointment.
DateLastCancelledAppt Date Last Cancelled Appointment The most recent date on which the patient cancelled a scheduled appointment.
DateLastMissedAppt Date Last Missed Appointment The most recent date on which the patient missed a scheduled appointment without notifying the healthcare provider.
DateLastReschedAppt Date Last Rescheduled Appointment The most recent date on which the patient rescheduled a previously planned appointment.
DateVisitFirst Date Visit First The date of the patient's first visit or encounter with the healthcare provider.
DateVisitLast Date Visit Last The date of the patient's most recent visit or encounter with the healthcare provider.
DOB Date of Birth The patient's date of birth, crucial for identification and age-related healthcare considerations.
DOBDay DOB Day The day of the patient's birth.
DOBMonth DOB Month The month of the patient's birth.
DOBYear DOB Year The year of the patient's birth.
DSS DSS A field potentially used for a specific identifier or code related to the patient, such as a social service or welfare identifier.
DriverLicNo Driver License Number The patient's driver's license number, useful for identification purposes.
DriverLicStID Driver License State Details Identifier for the state issuing the patient's driver's license, indicating the state of residence or license origin.
EMail Email The patient's email address, used for electronic communication and notifications.
EMAddComment Emergency Add Comment Additional comments or notes related to emergency contact or situations for the patient.
ExtID External Details External identifier for the patient, potentially used for integration with other systems or databases.
FIPSCodeID FIPS Code Details Identifier based on the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), possibly related to geographical or administrative data.
FPSuffix FP Suffix A suffix field potentially used for categorizing or adding specific codes related to the patient.
InactiveDate Inactive Date The date on which the patient's record was marked as inactive, indicating a cessation of active care or communication.
InactiveResID Inactive Reason Details Identifier for the reason why the patient's record was marked as inactive, such as transfer, discharge, or death.
IsAcctHolder Is Account Holder Indicates whether the patient is the primary holder of the medical account, relevant for billing and communication.
IsActive Is Active Indicates whether the patient's record is currently active within the healthcare system.
IsAddClmInfo Is Additional Claim Information Indicates whether there is additional information available related to the patient's insurance claims.
IsEmployed Is Employed Indicates whether the patient is currently employed, relevant for insurance and financial assessments.
IsExemptRpt Is Exempt Report Indicates whether the patient is exempt from certain reports or data collection requirements.
IsFasting Is Fasting Indicates whether the patient was fasting during the time of a medical test, which can affect test results.
IsHIPAANoti Is HIPAA Notification Indicates whether the patient has received notification regarding HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) policies.
IsPt Is Patient Indicates whether the individual is a patient in the healthcare system.
IsPtUnknown Is Patient Unknown Indicates whether the patient's identity or information is unknown or uncertain.
IsStudent Is Student Indicates whether the patient is currently a student, which may have implications for insurance and care plans.
IsStudentFullTime Is Student Full Time Indicates whether the patient is a full-time student, often relevant for insurance purposes.
Maiden Maiden Name The maiden name of the patient, if applicable, used for identification and historical records.
MaritalStatus Marital Status The current marital status of the patient, which can be relevant for family history and insurance coverage.
MedRef1 Medical Reference 1 A field used for a first medical reference or contact, potentially a primary care physician or specialist.
MedRef2 Medical Reference 2 A field used for a second medical reference or contact, potentially an additional physician or healthcare entity.
MultipleBirthIndicator Multiple Birth Indicator Indicates whether the patient was part of a multiple birth (e.g., twins, triplets), important for genetic and health history.
NameFirst Name First The patient's first name.
NameLast Name Last The patient's last name.
NameMiddle Name Middle The patient's middle name.
NameNick Name Nickname The patient's nickname or commonly used alternative name.
NoBrokenAppt Number of Broken Appointments The number of appointments that the patient has failed to attend without prior notification.
NoCancelledAppt Number of Cancelled Appointments The number of appointments that the patient has cancelled.
NoMissedAppt Number of Missed Appointments The number of appointments that the patient has missed without cancelling or notifying the provider.
NoReferal Number of Referrals The number of referrals made for the patient, potentially to specialists or other healthcare services.
NoReschedAppt Number of Rescheduled Appointments The number of appointments that the patient has rescheduled.
NoteGenEntryID Note Generation Entry Details Identifier for a specific note or document generated in the patient's record.
NotePt Note Patient Notes or comments specifically related to the patient, possibly including observations or reminders.
PayPlanID Payment Plan Details Identifier for the payment plan associated with the patient, relevant for billing and financial arrangements.
POBStateID Place of Birth State Details Identifier for the state of the patient's birthplace, used for demographic and identity verification.
PortalID Portal Details Identifier for the patient's access to an online portal, often used for appointment scheduling, communication, and accessing health records.
PrvID1 Provider ID 1 First provider identifier for the patient, typically the primary care provider or the most frequently seen provider.
PrvID2 Provider ID 2 Second provider identifier for the patient, potentially a specialist or secondary care provider.
PtTypeID Patient Type Details Identifier for the type of patient, such as inpatient, outpatient, or emergency.
RecallPref Recall Preference The patient's preferred method or timing for recall notifications, important for appointment management.
SchoolID School Details Identifier for the school the patient attends, relevant for students and pediatric records.
Sex Sex The patient's biological sex, important for medical treatments and health screenings.
SiteID Site Details Identifier for the healthcare site or location where the patient receives care, such as a specific clinic or hospital department.
SSN Social Security Number The patient's Social Security Number, used for identification and in some cases for insurance purposes.
SSNNotExist Social Security Number Not Exist Indicates whether the patient does not have a Social Security Number, relevant for non-residents or certain populations.
SuffixID Suffix Details Identifier for any suffix in the patient's name, such as Jr., Sr., III, etc.
TimeToCall Time To Call The preferred time for calling the patient, important for effective communication.
Title Title The title used in addressing the patient, such as Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.
UserID User Details Identifier for the user who created or last modified the patient's record, typically a healthcare professional or administrative staff.
ZUChkSum ZU Checksum Audit log tracking checksum value, used to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the patient's data.
ZUDate ZU Date Date indicating when the patient's record was last accessed or modified, used for audit log tracking.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History Details Identifier for the history of user logon activities related to the patient's record, important for security and audit purposes.