Documentation for HC_PtPrvX Crosswalk.csv

Health Care Data for Patient-Provider Crosswalk

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
PtPrvXID Patient Provider Crosswalk ID Unique identifier for the record in the patient-provider crosswalk, linking specific patients to their healthcare providers.
CareTeamRoleID Care Team Role Details Identifier for the specific role of a care team member in relation to the patient, such as nurse, primary physician, specialist.
DateFrom Date From The start date of the period during which the specified provider was involved in the patient's care.
DateTo Date To The end date of the period during which the specified provider was involved in the patient's care.
EmpListID Employee List Details Identifier for a list or record of employees, potentially including the provider, relevant to the patient's care.
IsActive Is Active Indicates whether the link between the patient and provider is currently active.
IsPrincipalPrv Is Principal Provider Indicates whether the provider is the principal or primary provider for the patient.
IsTransfer Is Transfer Indicates whether there has been a transfer of care from or to the provider in the context of the patient's treatment.
PrvID Provider Details Identifier for the healthcare provider linked to the patient in this record.
PrvRoleID Provider Role Details Identifier for the specific role of the provider, such as general practitioner, consultant, therapist, etc.
PtID Patient Details Unique identifier for the patient within the healthcare system.
RecptID Recipient Details Identifier for the recipient of the information or action within this record, which could be a patient or healthcare provider.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type Details Classification of the recipient within the record, such as patient, provider, or administrative staff.
ZUChkSum ZU Checksum Audit log tracking checksum value, ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the patient-provider crosswalk data.
ZUDate ZU Date Date indicating when the patient-provider crosswalk record was last accessed or modified, used for audit log tracking.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History Details Identifier for the history of user logon activities related to this patient-provider crosswalk record, for security and audit purposes.