Documentation for Patient History Dataset

Detailed Descriptions for Each Column

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
PtHisID Patient History Details Unique identifier for each record in the patient's history.
ChartNo Chart Number Patient's chart number used for identification and record-keeping.
DateHis Date History The date when the historical record was documented or updated.
DOB Date of Birth Patient's date of birth.
DriverLicNo Driver's License Number Patient's driver's license number, if applicable.
DriverLicStID Driver's License State Details Details of the state issuing the patient's driver's license.
EMail Email Patient's email address.
IsPtUnknown Is Patient Unknown Indicates if the patient's identity is unknown.
Maiden Maiden Name Patient's maiden name, if applicable.
MaritalStatus Marital Status Patient's marital status.
NameFirst First Name Patient's first name.
NameLast Last Name Patient's last name.
NameMiddle Middle Name Patient's middle name.
NameNick Nickname Patient's nickname or commonly used name.
PrvEmpID1 Previous Employer ID 1 Identifier for the patient's first previous employer.
PrvEmpID2 Previous Employer ID 2 Identifier for the patient's second previous employer.
PrvID1 Provider ID 1 Identifier for the patient's first healthcare provider.
PrvID2 Provider ID 2 Identifier for the patient's second healthcare provider.
PtID Patient Details Unique identifier for the patient.
SchoolID School Details Identifier for the school the patient attends or attended.
Sex Sex Patient's sex.
SiteID Site Details Identifier for the healthcare facility or site associated with the patient record.
SuffixID Suffix Details Details about suffixes to the patient's name, such as Jr., Sr., etc.
Title Title Title or honorific used in addressing the patient.
ZUChkSum ZU Checksum Checksum value for audit logs, ensuring data integrity.
ZUDate ZU Date Date stamp in audit logs, indicating when the record was last modified.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History Details Identifier for logon history in the audit logs, linking user access to the patient history record.