Documentation for VE_CN.csv

EHR Exam Data for Clinical Note

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
CNID Clinical Note Identifier Unique identifier for a specific clinical note, essential for tracking and referencing within the patient's medical record.
AmendmentStatus Amendment Status The current status of any amendments made to the clinical note, such as pending, completed, or rejected.
CNAmendID Clinical Note Amendment Details Identifier for specific amendments made to the clinical note, tracking changes and updates over time.
CosignDate Cosign Date The date on which the clinical note was co-signed by another healthcare provider, indicating review and agreement.
DateCreated Date Created The date on which the clinical note was originally created.
DateLocked Date Locked The date on which the clinical note was locked, preventing further edits or amendments.
IsArchived Is Archived Indicates whether the clinical note has been archived, typically for long-term storage and record-keeping.
IsDel Is Deleted Indicates whether the clinical note has been marked for deletion or removed from active records.
NoteX Note X General note or comment field related to the clinical note, for additional observations or information.
NoteGenEntryID Note Generation Entry Details Identifier for a specific entry or document generated in the patient's record, associated with the clinical note.
PrvIDCosign Provider ID Cosign Identifier for the healthcare provider who co-signed the clinical note, verifying its content.
PrvIDSignoff Provider ID Signoff Identifier for the healthcare provider who signed off on the clinical note, indicating final approval and completion.
PtEncID Patient Encounter Details Reference to a specific patient encounter associated with the clinical note.
PtID Patient Details Unique identifier for the patient to whom the clinical note pertains.
SignoffDate Signoff Date The date on which the clinical note was signed off by the responsible healthcare provider.
TransDate Transaction Date The date on which the clinical note was entered into the system or underwent a significant transaction.
UsedDataTbls Used Data Tables Indicates the data tables that were utilized or referenced in the creation of the clinical note.
ZUChkSum ZU Checksum Audit log tracking checksum value, used to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the clinical note's data.
ZUDate ZU Date Date indicating when the clinical note record was last accessed or modified, used for audit log tracking.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History Details Identifier for the history of user logon activities related to the clinical note, important for security and audit purposes.