Original Column Name |
Expanded Column Name |
Description |
TmplDocHisID |
Template Document History Details |
Unique identifier for each entry in the template document history, crucial for tracking changes and versions of document templates used in the EHR system. |
ArchiveID |
Archive Details |
Identifier for the archival record of the template document, useful for accessing historical versions or backups. |
ContactMethodID |
Contact Method Details |
Identifier for the method of contact associated with the template document, such as email, print, or electronic transmission. |
CNEntryID |
Clinical Note Entry Details |
Identifier linking the template document to a specific clinical note entry, ensuring consistency and relevance in documentation. |
DateX |
Date X |
A general or placeholder date field associated with the template document, potentially indicating creation, modification, or use. |
DeviceID |
Device Details |
Identifier for the device used in the creation or modification of the template document, such as a computer or tablet. |
DocHisPath |
Document History Path |
The file path or location of the historical records of the template document, important for data retrieval and management. |
IsFormal |
Is Formal |
Indicates whether the template document is a formal version, potentially used for official or finalized documentation. |
PHIDiscTypeID |
PHI Disclosure Type Details |
Identifier for the type of Protected Health Information (PHI) disclosure related to the template document, important for compliance and privacy considerations. |
RTFFtr |
RTF Footer |
Rich Text Format footer information of the template document, used for standardized footers in document templates. |
RTFHdr |
RTF Header |
Rich Text Format header information of the template document, used for standardized headers in document templates. |
RTFTitle |
RTF Title |
The title of the template document in Rich Text Format, indicating the primary subject or purpose of the document. |
TmplDocID |
Template Document Details |
Unique identifier for the specific template document, key for referencing and accessing the document within the EHR system. |
ZUChkSum |
ZU Checksum |
Audit log tracking checksum value, ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the template document history's data. |
ZUDate |
ZU Date |
Date indicating when the template document history record was last accessed or modified, used for audit log tracking. |
ZULogonHisID |
ZU Logon History Details |
Identifier for the history of user logon activities related to the template document history, important for security and audit purposes. |